

Computer Science BSc(Hons) - Lancaster Unviversity

Distributed systems gained knowledge of distributed systems and cloud computing including distributed systems design patterns, security, case studies such as Google and the mapreduce alogrithm. I also got hands on experience building a Java based auction application using remote method invocation and replicating for redundancy with JGroups.
Game group project - Created a video game demo from scratch in Java using a simple game library (JSFML), this project taught me about time management skills and allocating tasks to group members and ensuring these were completed in a timely fashion. The project was designed to mirror more real life software development projects with a pre-production report written on the game including intial ideas, design principals, functional / non-functional requirements, use cases, tasks allocated for an agile workflow, and using GitHub to manage code between developers.

Technical skills

  • Java
  • C
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Nuxt
  • Tailwind
  • Git
  • VSCode
  • AWS
  • Windows
  • Linux


Cloud Resume Challenge

Hands-on serverless cloud development challenge by Forrest Brazeal.
This challenge leverages a few of the core AWS Technologies: S3, Cloudfront, Route53, Lambda functions, DynamoDB, API Gateway, IAM. It also includes use of CI/CD workflows, which I have used NextJS, GitHub actions, and AWS S3 to deploy my frontend, and AWS SAM, Maven and GitHub actions to deploy the backend. You can read more about this project on my blog: Learning in the cloud - My Cloud Resume Challenge
You can also take up the challenge yourself at: cloudresumechallenge.dev.

Hobbies and interests

Whenever I'm not programming you can find me playing games at the moment I'm playing: Cult of the lamb, Overwatch and League of Legends. I also love baking and cooking! My favourite bakes are chocolate brownies, chocolate cookies and oreo cake (I love chocolate a lot).